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White Paper:

Standing at the Edge? Look Before You Leap

Understanding the Advantages — and the Risks — of Edge Deployments

Are you developing an edge data center deployment strategy? If so, you're hardly alone. According to Gartner, within the next four years 75% of data generated by enterprises will be processed at the edge (up from just 10% today). Clearly, The Edge is the “next big thing.“

But while edge deployments promise vast improvements in network speed, scalability, security and resiliency over traditional network architectures, most IT professionals are still grasping for a consistent definition of what, precisely, The Edge is. And without that definition it's impossible to understand the unique management and monitoring challenges The Edge presents.

Download this free white paper and learn about The Edge: what it is, where it is, its much-vaunted benefits, and the obstacles and hazards IT professionals need to address to ensure their edge deployments deliver the rewards their businesses demand.

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