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Case Study: Enterprise Data Center

Empowered by RF Code’s automated asset management solutions, Enterprise Data Center  was able to streamline and simplify their lifecycle asset management processes.

With over 170 offices across the globe and nearly 20,000 employees, Enterprise Data Center naturally has a strong need for efficient asset management processes.

Unfortunately, their enterprise asset management processes and location data were inaccurate, and required constant manual intervention to keep processes flowing smoothly. As a result, they sought a partner who could enable real-time asset location and environmental monitoring across all their IT assets.

Enter RF Code.

See how Enterprise Data Center utilized RF Code to enhance their lifecycle asset management by:

  • Fully automating Lifecycle Asset Management, with assets pre-tagged before arriving at receiving dock

  • Implementing comprehensive supply chain integration with rack and server vendors

  • Instrumenting racks with temperature, humidity, and air pressure sensors for full environmental monitoring

  • Centralizing integration with main internal systems

  • And more

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