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Transform your IT operations with
a full-service remote monitoring solution

Continuous Monitoring and Reporting for Remote IT Spaces


Explore Sentry's top features and
real-world applications

Many companies are blind when important events happen in their distributed/remote IT locations, and the consequences of unmonitored centers can get expensive. Traditional data center solutions don't apply to complex distributed locations, so we decided to present a solution through Sentry.

Instead of leaving these data centers at risk, let Sentry unify your remote monitoring and reporting processes through:

  • Customized alerts and monitoring for each data center

  • Temperature sensors and thermal cameras to detect hazards

  • Failure-tolerant connections and backup batteries in case of power outages

  • and much more!

Download the guide, Simplify with Sentry: The Easiest Way to Monitor Unmanned, Remote IT Spaces to see how we can help your teams maintain complete visibility into your remote IT spaces.

Download the Sentry product guide now!