

Is it getting warm in here? If you're standing in a cutting-edge data center the answer may very well be "yes!" Data center operators know that with sufficiently granular environmental monitoring and visibility they can raise their CRAC set points and still stay within ASHRAE guidelines, ensuring uptime while drastically reducing power and cooling costs. But the result can mean your work wardrobe consists of shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops.

In our latest infographic, we take a look at some data centers around the world that are utilizing heat in some inventive ways. Whether they're pushing the limits of just how warm a data center can get, or utilizing high temperatures to control the environment in innovative ways, these are some red hot data centers.


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Learn how RF Code's environmental monitoring solution helps you meet ASHRAE data center cooling guidelines, allowing you to save money by increasing data center temperature while ensuring uptime. Download this solution brief today!


 Download This Solution Brief